November 18, 2007

Feeling Moody...

Yea, don't know why,
Call me an emo,

Just felt like blogging,
Life kinda gets boring.
Church today,
Well, morning service was boring,
Youth was okay but a little extinguished,

Maple Story,
Laggy, and sad.
Trading? Sucked in it.
Yea yea, got around 40m,
But somehow all went missing.
Must write down everything next time.

Shop closed down ._.
Don't know why I can't seem to find things around me interesting anymore.
Am I drifting away?
Drifting away in to the endless seas?
Alone, cold, and lost.
That best explains my feelings now.

Sipping some tea,
Letting life drift away.
I promised myself to do something meaningful...
I meant something that is good.
Well, nothing is happening till now.
I have a feeling that I will waste this year end holidays like the other 13 years.

If only... *sigh*, never mind.

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