April 10, 2008

Another Nuffnang related Post, with Safari :D

Wee~ my 3rd innit post managed to climb to the top 10 spot :D
I don't know why I'm so happy anyway,
Thanks to everyone who nanged and commented.

I wanted to post something about school but I just wanted to post about Innit again :D

The peek : 10 nangs, including mine =X accident okay?

Thank you people :D

Comments, 1st time having more than 1 commenting on a post.

Thank you :D

Next topic,
Safari Browser!

When I was updating my iTunes,
I didn't notice they helped me download Safari too.
It looks quite cool I guess.

Better still,
I can see Nuffnang advertisements now :D

I couldn't see anything when I was using Mozilla Firefox.

So this is how an advertisement look like ...

I can even copy all the bookmarks from Mozilla Firefox :O
But Safari gets a little laggy when I open to many tabs.

I have a feeling I will get sick of Safari soon.

ps. been Photoshopping a lot these days -.-

Oh ya,
Safari helps you nang even if you open in a new tab!
Try it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats! isnt it flattering to have so much nangs? Hee ... share some yooo