June 26, 2008

Being a brave blogger

I should be brave.
Brave to blog about things that aren't right.

These days,
There are so much plagiarism, misleading titles to direct traffic to their blogs, people who try to walk in the footsteps of famous people, desperate bloggers too.

And then,
There are those brave bloggers who dare to stand up and speak the truth.

And then,
There are those rock headed people who still insist on defending those already pleaded guilty.

On the other hand,
Notices those injustice going on,
But decides to forget about it.

I don't see the need to poke of others,
I just boycott them without spreading to the whole world.

I think that if I were to put up a list of blacklisted bloggers,
People might think I'm jealous or something.

So I urge everyone reading this,
Stop reading if you don't want to read,
Don't fall into their scheme of diverting traffic in the wrong way.

Last but not least,
Things might not seem the way it is too,
So I hope that we won't just jump to conclusions,
Deeming one guilty without a slight investigation.

For example,
There was one innit title where she said her cousin killed someone and went to jail.
The post linked had nothing to do with that title at all.
I checked her older posts and found that there was a post about her cousin,
So I guess we should be considerate too.


Cyren Asteraceya said...

Ola Nuffnanger

Hahaha I remember that innit title! Though... I didn't think of it to the extent that you did...I just thought maybe like someone made her take down the post...like her aunt or something maybe.

BUt now that you've said it...it does raise a LOT of questions that need to be answered!

Anonymous said...

Will be anticipating for your next brave post.
I want to see the whole blogosphere crumble at the hands of kritz

Kritz said...

[Cyren Z. Wong]
Yea, that could be another possibility too. I actually checked because I was wondering whether should I dang it. I don't want to dang just like that.

Was sarcasm included? I'm not sure ._. But I'll take it as a compliment, thanks (:

3POINT8 said...

oh. you were referring to the top10 dumbest thing? I posted a comment on her blog too.
Oh well....Doesn't matter if it got deleted. I enjoyed reading this post, which is more important than some deleted comments, yes?

Btw, I have to praise you to be able to detect a hint of sarcasm there. Only those with high IQ can do that. So congrats!
Then again, often there are hints of truth within sarcasm.

Kritz said...

You're just making me more confused @_@ lol
But thanks anyway (:

[Oh well....Doesn't matter if it got deleted. I enjoyed reading this post, which is more important than some deleted comments, yes?]


Bernard Chung said...

Curiosity kills a cat.
Why not, too curious, too eager to read about her cousin been jailed, in the end, the blogs has nothing to do with it. A trap you say.

Yes, ppl blogs for fun, money and fame. I admit that I wanna be tat as well. But in reality, I know I can't so why can't other ppl accept the facts like tat.

Her post was misleading. What can we say? She did it then we can't do anything curious to see what she means. They are annoying but there is nothing we can do abt it.

My suggestion, if it's misleading, just "Dang-It". Whats the fuss??

Kritz said...

Her post wasn't actually misleading, she just posted the wrong link.

Bernard Chung said...

Oh!! So it's her mistakes la...
Sorry for framing her.
Cuz i have no time on reading her older post, duh!!!

Kritz said...

Never mind (:
I guess not many people bother to check.
Its common ...

zє๓ค๔-ﻮคlz said...

Ooooh yeah it was Marie, she linked her post wrongly and got flamed but somehow she ended up with 40+ nangs...?

Kritz said...

Explains why a lot of people are complaining about top 10 innit posts now.